PC 311.3(a)

PC 311.3(a)


Copy, exchange, etc. child pornography

Aggravated Felony (AF)

Held not AF as child pornography See Advice.

Crime Involving Moral Turpitude (CIMT)

Yes CIMT; see 311.11(a)

Other Removal Grounds

No other removal ground.

Advice and Comments

PC 311.3

AF: Citing ruling that PC 311.11(a) is not an AF as child pornography (see 311.11), Ninth Cir held that PC 311.3 also is not, under federal statute.1US v Reinhart, 893 F3d 606 (9th Cir 2018). But might be held AF outside of Ninth Circuit.

2022-06-03T16:52:51+00:00Updated May 31st, 2022|