PC 487

PC 487


Grand theft

See PC 484, above

Aggravated Felony (AF)

Not an AF if either 1 year or more is imposed, or loss exceeds $10k; yes AF if both are present in the same count. See PC 484

Crime Involving Moral Turpitude (CIMT)

Yes, CIMT for a new conviction, but arguably not a CIMT if conviction occurred before Nov. 16, 2016. See PC 484 notes.

Other Removal Grounds

No other removal ground

Advice and Comments

PC 487

Because PC 487 uses the definition of theft in PC 484, see discussion there. This can be a valuable plea to avoid an agg felony, including when fraud is charged.

2024-04-18T23:07:44+00:00Updated May 31st, 2022|